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[内部]Santa’s little helper
发布人:周艳欣  发布时间:2013/6/28 14:13:06
  周艳欣.doc 附件:周艳欣.doc


  课题:Santa’s little helper


  1 学生能读懂故事,欣赏故事的有趣之处。

  2 学生能听懂,会读,会说单词和短语Santa, Rudolf, Christmas Eve, sleigh, special, go off, leave, mince pie, asleep, chimney, fly into the air, around the world, factory, North Pole, teddy, robot, throw, helper。

  3 学生能有选择性地说出部分故事情节。

  4 学生能以小组为单位展开各种活动,相互配合制作一本绘画本。

  5 学生能欣赏故事中人物助人为乐的优点,明白帮助别人也能给自己带来快乐的道理。


  1 学生能读懂故事,欣赏故事的有趣之处。

  2 学生能听懂,会读,会说单词和短语Santa, Rudolf, Christmas Eve, sleigh, special, go off, leave, mince pie, asleep, chimney, fly into the air, around the world, factory, North Pole, teddy, robot, throw, helper。

  3 学生能有选择性地说出部分故事情节。


  Step1 Warm up

  S listen to a song ‘ Santa, where are you?’.

  T: Who is in the song?

  S: Christmas Father.

  T: Yes, we can call Christmas Father ‘ Santa’ , too.

  Teach: Santa

  T presents a picture: Santa and a deer

  T: Look! Who is coming?

  S: Santa.

  T: He has a friend with him. Who is he?

  S: A deer.

  T: Yes, we call him ‘Rudolf”

  Teach: Rudolf.

  Step2: Lead in

  T: Can you tell me something you’ve known about Santa?

  T gives hints:

  Santa’s job: He gives…

  Santa’s tool: He uses…

  Santa’s working time: He works at…

  S discuss in the group.

  T checks the answers and teach: sleigh, Christmas Eve

  T: Today you’re going to enjoy a story about Santa.

  And the story begins at Christmas Eve.

  T: Before you enjoy the story, what do you expect from the story?

  S think and make a choice.

  A. How does Santa work?

  B. Santa has a bad day!

  C. Santa meets a special friend.

  Teach: special

  Step3: While-reading

  1S watch the first part of the story.

  T: After you watch the first part, do you know what Santa does at Christmas Eve?

  S do the match..

  Santa puts on               mince pies

  Santa goes off              presents for children

  Santa leaves               his jacket and red hat

  Santa eats                by sleigh

  2 T presents four pictures of the story. S are to retell the first part according to the pictures with the teacher.

  T gives hints with pictures: Santa puts on… Santa goes off by… Santa leaves… Santa eats…

  3 The story goes on.

  T: Now Santa comes to Amy’s house. What is Amy doing?

  S: She’s sleeping.

  T: Yes, she’s sleeping. She’s asleep.

  Teach: asleep

  T: Now Santa climbs down the chimney.

  Teach: Chimney

  T: But he is too…so he can’t …

  S guess what happened.

  T: Let’s watch the next part of the story and find out.

  S watch the second part.

  S: He is too fat. He can’t move.

  4 S read and tick

  T: In the cartoon, do you know what help Amy gives to Santa?

  S recall and answer.

  T: Amy helps Santa a lot. How does she help him?

  S are to read the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th paragraph, do some marks and then tick in the boxes.

  A. She helps Santa move.

  B. She plays with Santa.

  C. She goes down to the chimney.

  D. She flies into the air with Santa and goes around the world.

  E. She helps Santa takes the presents.

  F. She puts the presents under the tree.

  5. S are required to tell the 2nd part of the story.

  T: What help does Amy give Santa? Can you make a summary now?

  S work in a group, one student one sentence, making a conclusion.

  T gives hints with pictures: …help… move, …help…take…, …fly …go around…, …go down…, …put…under…

  T checks a group.

  6 T goes on with the story.

  T: We know Santa and Amy go around the world, so they give many presents again and again. They need more presents now.

  T: But how can Santa get more presents?

  S give free guess.

  T: Let’s watch the story.

  S make a choice.

  A. He can buy presents.

  B. He can make presents.

  T: Santa can make presents. Because he has a factory.

  Teach: factory

  T: What’s in the factory?

  S are to read the 8th paragraph and describe the factory.

  The factory is at…It is very busy. There are…

  Teach: teddy, robot

  7 T continues the story.

  T presents a picture: Amy

  T: Is Amy happy?

  S: Yes.

  T: Why? Can you find at least two reasons.

  S read the 9th and the 10th paragraph and have a discussion in the group.

  Teach: throw

  S choose the parts of the story and read in the group and they can ask for help when it is needed.

  Step4 After-reading

  T: You can not enjoy the story ,but also make a story book of your own.

  On the book, there are some pictures related with the story. And some paper sheets.

  You should put the pictures in order first.

  Then choose the right paper sheet and stick it to the right picture.

  At last you must complete some blanks in the paper sheet.

  Don’t forget to pin the pictures into a picture book.

  S work as a group. Every two group get the same set of pictures. Three sets can make a picture book. Finally, two picture books will come out in class.

  S share the picture books together.

  Step5 A conclusion

  T: What does the story say after you listen to it?

  A. How does Santa work?

  B. Santa has a bad day!

  C. Santa meets a special friend.

  T: Who is Santa’s friend?

  S: Amy.

  T: What do you think of Amy?

  S: She is helpful.

  T: Yes, she is a little helper.

  Teach: helper

  T: Now can you make a title for the story?

  You can write it on you paper.

  I’ll write on the blackboard.

  Let’s see if we can write the same.

  T gives and writes a tile: Santa’s little helper

  T: Here’s my suggestions for you. Try to be helpful. And you can get help when you need it.


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