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[内部]4上册Unit6 At the snack bar (Period1)
发布人:陈思齐  发布时间:2018/11/27 17:02:46

Unit6 At the snack bar (Period1)

Teaching contents:

Story time

Teaching aims and learning objectives:

1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:“at, coffee, tea, juice, rice, fish, big, snack bar,

hamburger, a glass of, noodles, dad, sandwich, a cup of”并理解单词的意思。

2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:  What would you like? I’d like …, please.

Anything else?

3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。

4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语学会点餐及征求别人的意见。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty:



Teaching aids:

本课人物头饰, PPT

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Warm up

1. 学生表演对话,要求用已经学过的语言编演。教师可以采取评五角星的办法

T: Hello, class. Today I have some food. Look, here they are.(出示小纸袋)

T: Hell, xx. Would you like a pie?

S: No, thank you.

T: What about a hot dog?

S: Yes, please. Thank you.

T: You are welcome.

2. 快速闪现食物类单词,分小组比一比

T: Now let’s play a game called “magic eyes”

“a cake, a salad, a cookie”

Read the words: ” a cake, a salad, a cookie” together.

3. Try to say

4. 用已学过的I’d like…句型练习对话 

I’d like a cake, it’s very yummy.

I’d like a salad, it’s very juicy.

I’d like a cookie, it’s very tasty.

5. T: Look, here’re many kinds of food, Do you know them?


T: what would you like?

S1: I’d like …

T: Yeah, I’d like…too. What would you like?

S2: I’d like…

T: It’s very nice/sweet. What would you like?

S3: I’d like …

T: Do you want to know what do your classmates would like? Please talk with your partners.


Step2 Presentation

1. T: Oh dear. I’m very hungry. Are you hungry?

S: Yes.

T: Well, let’s go to a snack bar. 导入课题: ”At the snack bar”.

S: Read the topic together.

T: Would you like some noodles?

S: No, thanks.

T: What would you like?

S: I’d like some rice.

T: What about you, xx?

S: I’d like a glass of milk.

询问两、三个学生后,教师板书:What would you like? What about you?

Teach: ”rice, a glass of milk”  Read one by one.

Teach: “What would you like? What about you?” Read one by one.

2. 出示图片引导学生问答。

T: What would you like?

S: I’d like a glass of juice.

T: Anything else?

S: A cup of coffee and a cup of tea.

Teach: “anything else, a cup of coffee, a cup of tea, a glass of juice” Read one by one.

Step3 Story time

1. Watch and answer

T: We have some friends. They are at the snack bar. Who are they? Let’s watch a cartoon and answer the question.

S: They are Helen Mike and Dad.

2. Listen and tick

T: Today Helen Mike and Dad are at the snack bar. They are ordering dishes with a waitress. Do you know what would they like? Now let’s listen and tick.


a hamburger  a sandwich  some rice

a cup of coffee  a glass of milk  some noodles

3. Read and find

4. T: Good, they would like a hamburger, a sandwich, a cup of coffee, a glass of milk and some noodles. Now please read in pairs, and find their own food and drink

Helen的图 一些面条的图

Mike的图 一个汉堡的图 一杯牛奶的图

Dad的图 一个三明治的图  一杯咖啡的图

5. Learn to say

T: OK. You did a very good job! Now let’s read the story after the tape.

Read after the tape

6. Read in pairs

Read in pairs and discuss: How to ask others for their preferences?


7. Read and learn

Imagine : What does the waitress say ?


7. Read the text by yourself. Try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.

8. Acting time

T: 四人一组,扮演服务员和两位顾客。

1. 表演原文

2. 改换食物

3. 增加台词

Step 4 Consolidation

1. 再次读课文将对话改编成短文进行填空。

Mike, Helen and their father are at the_____. They are_________.

They would like some ______and______. Mike would like a glass of       and a______. Helen would like some_______. Mr. Brown would like a          and a cup of____.

1. 模拟场景创编对话。

Show some pictures of food and drinks.

Ask each other and act the dialogue in groups. ( 仿照课文,创编点餐对话。)



2. 用What would you like? I’d like …, please. Anything else? 的句型来进行点餐。

3. 用所学的句型试着创编对话,进行点餐,课后小组交流。


Unit 6 At the snack bar

A: What would you like ?         B: I’d like …

A: What about you ?             B: I’d like …

A: Anything else?                B: I’d like …



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