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[内部]六年级下册Unit 3 A healthy diet
发布人:王蓉蓉  发布时间:2018/3/29 16:48:48

Unit 3 A healthy diet (Period 1)

Teaching contents教学内容:

Story time

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1 能听懂、会说有关食物的单词。

2 了解a lot of,some,a little,a few的正确使用方法。

3 初步表达自己喜欢的饮食。

4 能熟读并简单复述课文内容。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:

1 能听懂、会说有关食物的单词。

2 了解a lot of,some,a little,a few的正确使用方法。

3 初步表达自己喜欢的饮食。

4 能熟读并简单复述课文内容。



Teaching procedures教学过程:

Step1 Free talk

T: Good morning ,boys and girls. I’m your new teacher today. You can call me ‘Miss Zhang’. You also can call me ‘Amanda’. Look,this is me.Do you want to know sth about me? You can use these key words to ask me.(ppt)


Step2 Presentation

1.T: Look at my food. I like eating bread,eggs and fruit. I also have a little sweet food.

I have some vegetables and meat every day.

新授vegetables meat

2.T: So do I have a health diet? 新授diet

揭示课题 A healthy diet

S:I 跟读课题

3.T: Look ,they are Mike and Yang Ling. Do they have a healthy diet?

Please take out this paper and do listening exercises.

S: 听录音,完成 listen and number.

4.Check the answers.

5.T: Do you want to know what they have every day? You can read this passage and judge the sentences true or fasle.


6. Check the answers.

(What is the correct answer? )

在完成练习的过程中板书呈现a lot of,some,a little,a few在金字塔的分配区,并帮助学生正确区分a little和a few。


a. read after the T

b. read in groups

c. show time

8. Fill in the blanks.

T: Now,we know Mike and Yang Ling’s diet every day.Please fill in the blanks.

S: 学生完成填空练习

T: Let’s look at Mike’s diet. Who can ?

S1: (学生边口述答案,教师边板书 ,完成Mike的食物塔)

T: Does Mike have a healthy diet? What do you think?

S: -----

同样的方法呈现 Yang Ling 的食物塔,并提问学生对Yang Ling 饮食的看法。

Step3 Consolidation

1.T: Boys and girls, this is Mike’s diet. He drinks a little water every day.He has some bread and some milk for his breakfast. For lunch and dinner, he has some fish and rice. About Yang Ling, she has a lot of noodles for her breakfast,she also  has a liitle sweet food. For lunch and dinner, she has some meat and vegetbales.

Do you want to know my diet?

2. PPT 呈现自己的饮食习惯,要求学生小声读一读。

3. Now,boys and girls.a. Please write down your daily diet.

b. Disscuss and talk about if he/she has a healthy diet or not.


4. T: Who can show us your diet?

5. T: I f you want to be healthy , only have a healthy diet? What should you you do?


T: After that ,I think you have a healthy life.(详见PPT)

6.T:Now ,I think you can design a healthy diet for your family members.

Step4 Homework



Blackboard design板书设计:




Unit 3 A healthy diet! Period 1

Reflection after class课后反思


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