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[内部]六年级上册Unit 6 Keep our city clean
发布人:王蓉蓉  发布时间:2018/11/29 16:46:40

Unit 6 Keep our city clean (Period 1)

Teaching contents教学内容:

Story time

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:


1 To make all the students have the ability to understand the whole story.

2 To make all the students know the meaning of the following words: clean, dirty, bins, factory, rubbish, smoke.


1 To make all the students have the ability to read the whole story.

2 To make all the students have the ability to answer some questions about the story.

3 To make all the students have the ability to act the dialogue.

4 To make most students talk more about the theme of this story with two following questions: What makes ... dirty? What can we do to keep ... clean?


1To make students know what they should do to protect the environment of our city.

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:

1 To make all the students know the meaning of the following words: clean, dirty, bins, factory, rubbish, smoke.

2 To make all the students have the ability to act the dialogue.

3 To make most students talk more about the theme of this story with two following questions: What makes ... dirty? What can we do to keep ... clean?


Teaching procedures教学过程:

Step 1 Song a song and lead in

1 Sing a song < Over in the meadow>

2 T: Last night, I saw a picture of a meadow. Then I also felt so happy and comfortable. Do you want to see?

Show students a beautiful picture with grass. Let them talk why I felt happy. ( Teach  clean)

3 Show another four pictures in the story.

T: Are they clean?  S: No. T: we can say they are dirty. ( Teach dirty)

Let’s watch a dialogue about the four dirty pictures.

Step 2 Presentation of the whole story.

1 Watch the whole story and answer the following question:

What makes our city dirty?

A. Smoke       B. Noise     C. Rubbish       D. Dead fish ( Teach new words smoke  rubbish, Write them on the blackboard as the key words)


2 Why do students want to take a bus to school?  

Because they want to keep the city clean. ( Lead in the title)

Step 3 Learning of Part 1

1 watch Part 1.

2 Answer a riddle: It is the key sentence. It is a question. Can you find it in part1?                            What makes our city dirty?

3.Read and underline the answers to the questions.

 T:Weve known the answer: smoke and rubbish make our city dirty. Read by yourselves and underline the answers.

Why do smoke and rubbish make our city dirty?

(Write the key phrases on the blackboard: from cars, from factory, air, streets, river.) ( Teach the new word factory)

4 Practice more according to the parts of city on the blackboard. (air, streets, river)

A: Is ... clean/dirty?      B:...

A: What makes ... dirty?  B:...

5 Let’s repeat.

6 Read in 4 students. Teacher checks their reading.

Step 4 Learning of Part 2

1 Lead in.

T:From Part 1 we’ve known what makes our city dirty, so ‘what can we do to stop our city dirty?’ Or ‘What can we do to keep our city clean?’

Discuss with your partner with the help of key phrases on the blackboard.

(Encourage students to think more answers according to the key phrases)

2 Read and learn

a.Read and circle. Read in you groups. Circle some new words. Help each other understand new words if you know them.(Teach bin) b.Find and remember. Find the answers of questions again on the book: What can we do to keep our city clean? Then try to remember them.

c.Teacher checks the answer: finish Read and write on page 60.    

d.Encourage students to retell the answers. Teacher write the key phrases on the blackboard.

3 Let’s repeat.

Step 5 Performance

1 Read the whole passage with the cartoon

2 5 students a groups. Act the whole dialogue

3. Ask the students come to the front and act it out.

Step 6 Consolidation

1 Show more pictures about dirty city.

T: Are the city clean?

What else makes our city dirty?

(dirty oil from factories, noise from cars, plastic bag, building rubbish...)

2 Ask and answer with tips:

Is ... Clean/dirty?

What makes ...?

What can we do to ...?

Step 7 Homework

1 Recite the dialogue.

2 Tell your parents how to keep the city clean.

Blackboard design板书设计:

                      Unit 6 Keep the city clean

What makes...dirty?     Parts of city     What can we do?

Smoke                air               Take a bus and

Rubbish               streets, river      metro


Move factories away

Put ... in the buns

plant more trees

Reflection after class:



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