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[内部]三年级上册Unit 5 Look at me!
发布人:王蓉蓉  发布时间:2017/10/26 16:42:01

Unit 5 Look at me!Period 1

Teaching contents  

Story time

Teaching aims and learning objectives  


1 学生能听懂、会读、会说T-shirt,skirt, cap.

2 学生能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语Look at my …It’s nice. How nice! It’s great. Look at me! Great!

3 学生能正确地理解并朗读对话,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。

4 学生能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语谈论自己的衣物并相互作出适当的评价。


Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty




Teaching preparation


Teaching procedures

Step1 Free talk

T:Good morning, boys and girls.

Hello, …

Hi, …

Is …your friend?

Who is your friend (too) ?

Where is he/she ?

Step 2 Warm up

T: Look at the pictures. Who are they? Can you guess? You can say like this…

Look! This is Alice. And this is Paul. They are friends. So, this is Tom, I think.

(根据前次课the heart来判断,图片遮住This is me. 或心形部分。教师示范,另外选四张贴在黑板上,学生任选1张来猜一猜。复习并锻炼学生的语言表达能力。)

T: Look at this heart. This is a teacher. This is Miss Wu. And this is Mr Liu. They all teach you. So, this is…

T: Yes, this is me.

Step 3 引入课题和目标

T: Look at me. Can you try to describe me?  


(给出Happy或Nice的提示或者提醒学生不会没有关系Never mind)

T: So, today let’s learn “Unit 5 Look at me” 领读课题,注意look at的连读音

In this unit, let’s talk about clothes and learn how to give praise.

T: Now, look at my …(dress). Is it nice?

T: 板书:Look at my …  It’s nice.

Step 4 Story time-nice clothes

T: I like nice clothes. Do you like nice clothes? So does Yang Ling.

Look, is Yang Ling happy? Do you know why?

She is going to perform in a show. (第六单元,Yang Ling参加演出)

Now,she is trying on her clothes. Watch the cartoon, then choose what clothes does she try on?

A. dress (图)  B. T-shirt (图)  C. jacket (图)  D. skirt (图)  E. cap (图)  F. hat (图)    教授生词:T-shirt,skirt, cap

(1) 读词,读句(Look at my…),小组内读一读生词

(2) Game: 找图:

T: Look at this word.或直接出示词卡

The students: Look at my …

Student A 迅速找到该词的图片(PPT):Here.

Step 5 Story time-praise

T: Yang Ling likes her clothes. And Yang Ling’s mother likes her clothes, too. So she gives her some praise. Do you remember what they are? Let’s watch the cartoon again, and try to remember them.

T: (PPT) Yang Ling says “Look at my T-shirt.”. Mum says “…”

S: It’s nice.

学习句子:It’s nice. How nice! It’s great. (注意标点符号的区别)

T: At last, how does Yang Ling look? S: Great!

Step 6 Read the story.

Step 7 Act the story.

Step 8 Summary and Practise

T: So, when we want to talk about clothes, we can say …

Look at my… (教师身体语言展示)

T: At last, “look at me!” And we can give praise like this…

It’s nice. How nice! It’s great. Great! ...

T: Look at my skirt. (PPT展示漂亮的衣服)

Ss: It’s nice. /How nice!/ It’s great./ Great!/ ...

Sa: Look at my …(PPT服饰)

Ss: It’s nice. /How nice!/ It’s great./ Great!/ ...

Practise: Fashion show

(1)T: Wow, there are a lot of nice clothes. I think you all have beautiful clothes. Please show me your clothes like this…(实物投影人物头像照片或自画像和衣服图片,衣服图片是课前给的衣服的勾线画,学生需要在家涂色并剪下来) And say “Look at my …” Others give praise.(教师给出句子词卡,考察学生认读的能力,再让其他同学补充更多的赞扬的句子)


Step 10Homework

1. 预习Fun time,Rhyme time和Checkout time部分

2. 仿照Fun time部分每人做一件时装。可以用报纸杂志做,还可以用彩纸做服装上的装饰。可以请家长参与设计制作,但不要代做。注意整体的美观。

3. 熟读Story time, 注意模仿Yang Ling 和Mum的语音语调

(备注: 课前准本16k纸,宽线对折1次,长线对折2次,沿线裁开,每个学生四小张,女生画头像,cap, T-shirt, skirt四张;男生画头像,cap, T-shirt和shorts(短裤)共四张。 此物用于Fashion show 环节)

Blackboard Design:   

                 Unit 5 Look at me!

Look at my …  It’s nice.


How nice!

Reflection after class


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