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[内部]六年级上册Unit 1 The king’s new clothes第一课时
发布人:何笑宇  发布时间:2018/9/5 8:34:14

Unit 1 The king’s new clothes (Period 1)

Teaching contents

Story time

Teaching aims and learning objectives:


1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词: long long ago, magic, clever, foolish, through, each, sentence, quick, think, hard, turn into

2. 能运用句型与日常用语:Long long ago, there was a king. The king was happy.He liked new clothes. Two men visited the king.

3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:laugh, wear, say, tell, start, little, next, turn, child

4. 初步理解一般过去时在陈述句中的应用规则。


1. 能初步运用过去时的规则讲述简单的小故事或描述过去发生的事情。


1. 理解寓言故事的教育意义:要敢于揭露社会中丑恶虚伪的一面,始终保持无私无畏的童心。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty


1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词: long long ago, magic, clever, foolish, through, each, sentence, quick, think, hard, turn into

2. 能运用句型与日常用语:Long long ago, there was a king. The king was happy.He liked new clothes. Two men visited the king.

3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:laugh, wear, say, tell, start, little, next, turn, child


1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词: long long ago, magic, clever, foolish, through, each, sentence, quick, think, hard, turn into

2. 能运用句型与日常用语:Long long ago, there was a king. The king was happy.He liked new clothes. Two men visited the king.

3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:laugh, wear, say, tell, start, little, next, turn, child

4. 初步理解一般过去时在陈述句中的应用规则。

Teaching preparation


Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Pre-reading

Match some stories with the key sentences.

T: Do you like stories?

T: We have read a lot of stories. Do you remember them? Let’s try to match them.

a. The king’s new clothes

b. Snow White

c. The little Mermaid

1. Many years ago, there were seven short men.

2. She lived in the sea but she loved the prince.

3. Long long ago, there was a king.

Teach new words: king, long long ago, was, were

Introduce the past tense of some verbs.

Step 2 Presentation

Watch and number.

T: What are we going to learn today? Let’s watch the cartoon and then put some pictures in order.

S watch and then number the pictures.

Recall and judge.

T: After you watch the cartoon, can you try to judge these sentences?

1. The king liked the new clothes.

2. Two men showed the king some magic clothes.

3. The king was foolish.

4. People could see the king’s new clothes.

5. The boy was foolish because he could not see the king’s new clothes.

Guess the meanings of new words: magic, foolish

Check and correct.

T: Now open your books, read the story very carefully, check the answers and then try to correct them.

Teach new words: liked, showed, magic, foolish, could

Read and answer.

T: Now I have some questions for you.

These questions are in the pictures.

So please choose one picture and then answer them.

If you can answer these questions right, I think you will be a good reader.

S can choose pictures in random.

Picture one:

What did the king like? ★

Who visited the king one day? ★

What did the men do? ★★

What could they do? ★

How was the king? ★

Teach the new words: vistied

Picture two:

What did the two men show to the king? ★

What did the two men do? ★★

Who could see the new clothes? ★

Who couldn’t see the new clothes? ★

Why was the clothe magic? ★★★

Teach the new words: clever

Picture three:

What did the king do? ★★

How many people were there in the street? ★

What did the people do? ★★

What did the people shout? ★

What did the people see? ★★★

Teach new words: walked through, shouted

Picture four:

Who pointed and laughed at the king? ★

What did the little boy do? ★★

What did the little boy say? ★★

What did the little boy see? ★★

How was the little boy? ★★

How were the two men? ★★★

S work in groups and choose the questions they want to answer.

The stars stand for the difficulty.

Read and repeat.

S read loudly after the tape.

S read by themselves and then read in roles.

S try to act in roles.

Step 3 After reading

Recall and recite.

T: Now we know the story very well, can you try to recite it?

You can choose one way to recite part of the story.

1. According to pictures.

2. According to questions.

3. According to the key words.

  4. Fill into the blanks.

Read and write.

Review the story and then write in the blanks.

The king liked__________

Two men wanted to make new clothes for the king. The king was____

The men showed the king his new clothes, but the king could not___ them.

The king walked through the city in his new clothes. A_______ laughed at him.

Step 4 Homework

1. Recite the story.

2. Do some exercise. 

Blackboard design

Unit 1 The king’s new clothes

The king: foolish

The two men: clever but bad

The people: foolish

The little boy: clever and brave



Reflection after class:


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