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[内部]四年级下册 Unit3 My day
发布人:周艳欣  发布时间:2018/3/29 16:12:42

Unit 3 My day (Period 1)

 Teaching contents

Story time

Teaching aims and learning objectives:


1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写和运用单词: usually, go to school, in the morning, in the afternoon, go home, homework, watch TV, in the evening. 

2. 能听懂、会说、会读Story time故事内容。

3. 能听懂、会说、会读句型When do you…?I …at…

4. 能听懂、会说、会读have lunch, play football, have dinner, go to bed, at night.


1. 能在小组中用When do you…?I …at…自由讨论本课话题。


1. 在小组活动中,培养学生的小组协作能力。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty


1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写和运用单词: go to school, in the morning, in the afternoon, go home, homework, watch TV, in the evening. 

2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型When do you…?I …at…


1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写和运用单词: usually, go to school, in the morning, in the afternoon, go home, homework, watch TV, in the evening. 

2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型When do you…?I …at…

3. 能听懂、会说、会读have lunch, play football, have dinner, go to bed, at night.

Teaching preparation


Teaching procedures:

Step1 Greeting and warm up

T: Good morning, class.

Ss: Good morning.

T: Do you like games? Let’s play a game: Yeah, yeah, yeah, or No, no, no.

It’s Monday today.

We have 4 lessons in the morning.

We have a PE lesson in the afternoon.

I like Music.

I go to school every day.

It’s six o’clock. It’s time for English class.

Step2 Presentation  

Show six clocks, review the time

6:15  7:05  11:45  5:00  6:20  10:00

T: What time is it? It’s six fifteen in the morning…. (复习时间,并将钟面贴在黑板)

Guess: What do I usually do at 6:15 in the morning?

Ss: get up/have breakfast…

T: I usually get up at 6:15


Teach: usually

When do you get up?

Ss: I get up at…

In the same way to teach:

go to school at 7:05

have lunch at 11:45

go home at 5:00

have dinner at 6:20

go to bed at 10:00

3. T: I do different things at different time.


I get up at six fifteen.

I go to school at seven o five.

I have lunch at eleven fifteen .

I go home at five.

I have dinner at six twenty

I go to bed at ten.

So this is my day.

揭题:Unit 3 My day

4. Talk in groups. Make a new chant, say something about your day.

Step3 Story time

T: We’re having an English lesson and we’re talking about our days. Mike is talking about his day too. Let’s listen to Mike, try to find out Mike’s activities in the morning.


Ss listen and then choose the pictures.(出示五幅图:起床、看电视、上学、睡觉、吃午饭,学生听第一段,根据Mike的介绍选出早上的活动)

Listen again and match(再听一遍介绍,出现三个钟面,将Mike的活动与时间配对)

T: What else does Mike do in the morning?

Ss: have lessons

T: Yes. And how many lessons does he have in the morning.

Ss: Four.

T: So Mike has four lessons in the morning.

Listen and read Part 1.


1.T: How many lessons does Mike have in the afternoon? And what else does Mike do in the afternoon? Let’s listen again, and try to answer.

Q1. How many lessons does Mike have in the afternoon?

Q2. What else does Mike do in the afternoon?

Teach: go home

do my homework

In the afternoon: have lessons/play football/go

2.Listen and read Part 2


1.Read Part3 by selves, try to fill in the blanks.



Have dinner


2. Talk in groups: When does Mike do these things? Say like this:…at…  

3.Listen and read Part3

Step 4 Consolidation

1.Read in three.

2.Act as Mike, choose one part and talk about your activity.(三人一小组,扮演Mike,选择早、中、晚其中一个时间说说自己的活动)

Step 5 Homework

Listen and read the story, try to recite it.

Describe your day to your family, then write it down.

Blackboard design

Unit 3 My day

I (usually)  …at…

In the morning/       afternoon   / evening/ at night


get up go to school have lunch go home have dinner go to bed

Reflection after class:


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