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[内部]三年级上册Unit7 Would you like a pie
发布人:汤金晶  发布时间:2018/11/14 16:05:59

Unit 7 Would you like a pie? Period 1

Teaching contents

Story time

Teaching aims and learning objectives


1.能听懂,会说,会读an ice-cream, an egg, a cake, a sweet, a pie, a hot dog.

2.能听懂会说,会读,会应用Would you like …? What about…?及其应答。

3.能够使用Nice to meet you进行日常交际。


通过would you like和Nice to meet you这两种委婉和礼貌用语,做一个生活中的文明人,理解到西方礼仪中的文明用语。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

1. 能听懂会说,会读,会应用日常用语:Would you like …? What about…?及其应答。

2. 能听懂,会说,会读词汇:an ice-cream, an egg, a cake, a sweet, a pie, a hot dog.

3.Would you…? an ice-cream, an egg的连读。

Teaching preparation


Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warming up

  1. Listen to a song 《colour song》

  2. T:Look, boys and girls, Miss Wang likes eating this. What is this? Guess!(PPT presents pie)

    Teach “pie”. Is it nice?

    T: What colour is it?

    Ss: It’s yellow.

    T: Miss Wang likes eating this too. What is this?

    Ss: It’s a cake (use the same way to teach cake)

    T: Would you like a cake?(PPT presents the Chinese meaning)

    S: Yes, please

    S2: No, thank you.

    Step 2 Presentation

    1.T: PPT presents the picture of all the boys and girls in the park.

    What are they doing? Let’s watch.

    How do they greet and introduce each other?

    T: (PPT shows the image of Mike) Look, who is this?

    Ss: He’s Mike.

    T: Who is she?

    S1: She is Su Hai.

    2.T: Who’s that girl? She’s Helen. She’s Mike’s sister. Say hello to Helen.

    Ss: Hello, Helen.

    3, Play the cartoon again. The students follow the teachers and read

    the whole dialogue together.

    4. T: Good! What do the children say to Helen?

    Ss: Nice to meet you (Teach “Nice to meet you.”)

    5. Helen is a new friend, Su Hai and Yang Ling are very happy to see Helen. What do they give her?

    Ss: A pie and a cake.

    6. What else do they give?(Use the same way to teach other new words of food)

    7. T: The children are very nice. What does Su Hai say?

    Ss: Would you like a pie?

    T: Does Helen take the pie?

    Ss: No.

    T: What does she say?

    Ss: No, thank you.

    T: What does Helen take?

    Ss: A cake.

    8. Ss Read the text as a rhyme.用于朗读课文的一种方式,同时与本单元的Learning tips相衔接。

    9. Act out the dialogue.用于对课文的表演。

    10. Work in pairs to practice: Would you like( teachers should use multiple ways to help the students to distinguish the difference between “a” and “an”)

    Step 3 Consolidation

    T Create a situation that we’re going an outing this Friday. What will you bring and talk?

    S1: Nice to meet you/Would you like….?

    S2, Nice to meet you, too.

    S1: Would you like a hot dog?

    S2: Yes, please.

    S1: Would you like an ice-cream?

    S2: Yes, please.

    S1: Would you like a sweet?

    S2: No, thank you.

    Step 4 Homework

  1. Copy the new words

  2. Act the dialogue with your parents.

    Blackboard Design

    Unit 7 Would you like a pie?

    Would you like a..?

    Yes, please.

    No, thank you.


    Reflection after class


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